
Art Work by David Stone - Running the Edge (An online Fiction Action Novel) Matthew Jacobs, a member of an elite U.S. Coast Guard search and rescue team, finds himself facing the greatest challenge of his life. As a confident and aggressive search and rescue coxswain operating the venerable 44foot motor lifeboats, his job is to do the impossible, but sometimes the impossible can’t be done and he finds himself unable to save the crew of the fishing vessel Marc Eagle during a dramatic rescue attempt. During the failed rescue, he also loses two of his crewmen and very nearly his own life. He faces a loss of confidence and is haunted by the events of that fateful night. His world is further complicated when the former love of his life, the daughter of the skipper of the Marc Eagle, returns from her overseas missionary assignment and reveals a hidden secret, one that could forever tear them apart. Not only must they run the edge of danger presented by the tumultuous waters off the Oregon Coast, they must run the edge of their emotions as they attempt to reconcile their lives. Together they must face a final test that not only challenges their faith, but threatens to destroy them both.
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